Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wednesday Within Easter Octave, 20-04-2022

Acts 3:1-10 / Luke 24:13-35     

When God created man, He named him Adam and gave him mastery over all the earth.

But Adam was alone and God said that it was not good for man to be alone and hence God created Eve.

So in happiness and gladness, we celebrate with one another and in each other's company.

But in disappointment and sadness, we would certainly need someone's presence and company.

In the gospel, the two disciples were walking away from Jerusalem toward Emmaus, and they were sad and disappointed over what had happened to Jesus.

But they had each other for company and Jesus came up and walked along with them though they did not recognise Him at first.

But when they recognised Him at the breaking of bread, they hurried back to Jerusalem to share their joy with the rest of the disciples.

In the 1st reading, as Peter and John were going up to the Temple to pray, they saw the crippled man who were begging.

Both Peter and John looked straight at him and Peter then said, "I have neither silver nor gold, but I give you what I have: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!"

We will remember that Jesus promised when two or three are gathered in His name, He will be there.

Let us treasure and cherish each other's company, and let us share the love of Jesus with each other.

That will be how we will share the Good News of salvation with the world.