Thursday, April 21, 2022

Friday Within Octave of Easter, 22-04-2022

Acts 4:1-12 / John 21:1-14    

To have an ambition in life can be a good thing.

It would make us think how to achieve immediate objectives as well as plan for future ones.

Having an ambition would also help us in our human development to acquire knowledge and skills.

In the gospel, it is quite puzzling to see that Peter and some of the disciples were just sitting around by the Sea of Tiberias. 

The Risen Lord Jesus had appeared to them after His Resurrection, but it seems that they were still dazed by the experience.

So they decided to go back to something familiar, which was fishing, and even at that, they caught nothing.

It is coming to a week since we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus.

If we feel that nothing much has changed for us, we can be consoled that the disciples felt likewise.

But just as Jesus appeared to His disciples again to get them moving, Jesus will also reveal Himself to us along the way so that we will know what God wants of us.

When the Lord Jesus reveals Himself to us, may we also recognise Him as that disciple did when he said, "It is the Lord".