Thursday, April 7, 2022

5th Week of Lent, Friday, 08-04-2022

Jeremiah 20:10-13 / John 10:31-42    

One of the more difficult emotions to deal with is the feeling of loneliness.

We may presume that loneliness is the consequence of a lack of social interactions with others.

But one can also feel lonely regardless of the amount of social contact with others.

For the prophet Jeremiah in the 1st reading, he would rather be away from the people who were around him.

That was because there were so many who were disparaging him, denouncing him, scheming and plotting against him.

It would be easier for him to just run away and be alone and safe.

But he held on to his prophetic mission with his trust and belief in God who was at his side and will protect him.

For Jesus, He was also surrounded by people who were against Him and plotting against Him.

But He put His trust in God His Father and that His Father is also with Him.

We may not find ourselves in a situation like Jesus or Jeremiah.

Yet, we do feel lonely at times and think that no one cares about us or that no one loves us.

The season of Lent brings us in touch with our sufferings and loneliness.

Through it all, let us trust and believe in God's love for us.

When we stand by God, then God will truly stand by us and let us experience His loving presence.