Sunday, April 10, 2022

Monday of Holy Week, 11-02-2022

Isaiah 42:1-7 / John 12:1-11     

Among the words, whether spoken or unspoken, that are laden with regret are these words: I should have ...

We hear this being used in different ways and in different situations.

For e.g. "I should have taken the opportunity to encourage that person", "I should have visited my parents more often when they were still alive", "I should have studied harder for my exams".

The list of "I should have..." goes on and on.

We ourselves would have said it before.

Yet as much as those words might be laden with regret, still, regrets cannot reverse the situation or the consequence.

But in today's gospel, we see a woman who seized the opportunity to show Jesus an act of love.

And Jesus also reciprocated by affirming her of her love and generosity.

As we enter into Holy Week, let us also seize the little moments of opportunities to show Jesus an act of love.

It may be a dedicated time for prayer, or an act of service for a neighbour.

Whatever it may be, it will be appreciated by Jesus.

It is still not too late to deepen our Lenten preparation.

It might be late, but it is still better than to regret and keep saying "I should have ..."