Monday, February 21, 2022

Chair of St. Peter the Apostle, Tuesday, 22-02-2022

1 Peter 5:1-4 / Matthew 16:13-19   

The celebration of the Chair of St. Peter might sound rather odd initially.

Of course, we know what the Chair is in organisations.

The Chairperson is the one who sits right on top and has authority over how things are run.

But the Chair of St. Peter brings us back to the gospel passage when Jesus bestowed spiritual authority on Peter and those who succeeded him.

It also reflects that the Church is both divine and human, that Christ is the Head and that we are members of His body, with the Pope as Chair of the Church.

Though the Church as the Body of Christ has its faults, flaws and failings, that does not diminish the divine nature of the Church.

And the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it.

Let us continue to stay united as the Church and as the Body of Christ.

Let us pledge our obedience to the Pope and let us be united in prayer as the Body of Christ.

May we, the Church, give glory to God and be living and holy witnesses of  God's salvation for the world.