Monday, February 14, 2022

6th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 15-02-2022

James 1:12-18 / Mark 8:14-21

Whenever something goes wrong, the tendency is to put the blame on someone.

Especially when we are clearly at fault, we would still want to splatter the blame on others.

In other words, when we go sinking down, we would also want to drag others along; that is the human tendency.

And so when we sin, we too would blame others for causing us to sin.

We would even want to blame the devil for tempting us into sin.

But the 1st reading makes it clear when it says this: Everyone who is tempted is attracted and seduced by his own wrong desire.

So when we do wrong and commit sin, let us not look at others and try to pin the blame on them.

Let us look within and let us realise that in our wounded human nature, we have this tendency to sin.

As Jesus said in the gospel: Keep your eyes open.

May we look into our hearts and acknowledge that we are sinners and let us also look towards God who is merciful and compassionate and forgiving.