Monday, February 28, 2022

8th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, -1-03-2022

1 Peter 1:10-16 / Mark 10:28-31   

In life we seem to be searching for something, we seem to be looking for something.

Whatever we are searching for or looking for, we cannot deny that it will be for our own gain.

So when we do a job, we expect to be paid. When we offer help we may expect to be thanked.

As Peter asked Jesus in the gospel, "What about us? We have left everything and followed you."

So we search and look for something to gain in whatever we do.

But the 1st reading tells us that for the prophets were looking and searching for the salvation that God promised.

But their looking and searching was not for their own gain but rather for ours.

The prophets heard the call and responded and gave themselves to the service of God for the salvation of their people.

The prophets have given us the example of self-sacrifice for the good of others.

May we do likewise, for our salvation and for the salvation of others.