Thursday, February 10, 2022

5th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 11-02-2022

1 Kings 11:29-32; 12:19 / Mark 7:31-37

When it is said that health is wealth, we may not fully realise the impact until we are inflicted with illness and sickness.

Even so-called minor aliments like headache, stomachache or backache is enough to make us moody and gloomy.

And when a major illness kicks in, whatever wealth will be used to gain back the health.

Jesus came to proclaim the Good News of salvation, and one of the expressions of that is the curing of diseases.

In the gospel, Jesus cured the deaf man with an impediment in his speech, and He said only one word to him, and that is "Ephphatah" meaning "Be opened".

As we celebrated the feast of our Lady of Lourdes, we also remember to pray for the sick and those suffering from one kind  of infirmity of another.

Lourdes is not the just place of the Marian apparitions. It is also a place of healing with the waters of the spring near the grotto of our Lady.

God wants to remind us that He is the Healer and that He wants us to experience the Good News of His love by curing our infirmities.

Let us pray with our Lady for the sick that they will also experience the Good News of salvation through the forgiveness of sins and healing of their illness.