Friday, August 21, 2020

The Queenship of the B V Mary, Saturday, 22-08-2020

Isaiah 9:1-6 / Luke 1:26-38    

Eight days ago, the Church celebrated the feast of the Assumption of Mary into heaven.

In the course of the 8 days, the Church reflects deeper about the mystery of the Assumption, and on the Octave of the Assumption (8 days later) the Church concludes her reflection with the celebration of the Queenship of Mary.

In summary, it could be said that God assumed Mary into heaven to reign in glory with Christ the King.

So the proclamation and celebration of Mary's queenship in essence points to the Kingship of Christ.

In celebrating the queenship of Mary, we are also reminded that we are the Chosen people of God and thus royal children.

So as God's Chosen and royal children, all that we do and say must be geared towards giving glory to God.

Mary showed us how to do that in the gospel when she responded to God's call by accepting God's will.

In doing so, Mary gave us the concrete example of obedience in the form of servanthood.

We are not just the Chosen and royal children of God.

We are also the chosen and royal servants of Christ the King.

With Mary as our queen, let us offer ourselves in service to the Church, so that in all that we do and say, God will be glorified and exalted.