Tuesday, August 11, 2020

19th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 12-08-2020

Ezekiel 9:1-7; 10:18-22 / Matthew 18:15-20 

The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is one of the deepest belief of the Catholic Church.

We believe that we truly receive Jesus in the Eucharist at Holy Communion.

We have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament where we adore Christ in the consecrated host that is exposed in the monstrance.

In the gospel, Jesus also promised us that He will be truly present where two or three are gathered in His name.

And Jesus also said that if two agree to ask anything at all, it will be granted by the Father in heaven.

It is indeed wonderful to know that Jesus is always present to us and when two or more are gathered in His name to pray for something, it will be granted by God.

And as we gather in His name, when physically or online, let us pray and believe that our prayers will be answered.

More so, let us pray for those who do wrong and refuse to repent.

We believe that conversion will happen one day, because our prayers for them will be heard and Jesus will do something about it.