Wednesday, August 19, 2020

20th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 20-08-2020

Ezekiel 36:23-28 / Matthew 22:1-14 

Water is a common element and it is used for many purposes like washing and cleaning.

But the most important usage of water is for drinking. It is important enough for the body such that if we don't drink water for a couple of days, we will suffer from dehydration and get into serious trouble.

Water is also used in the baptism ritual and it has the spiritual meaning of cleansing of sin as well as life-giving.

In the 1st reading, the Lord speaks of pouring clean water over His people to cleanse them of all their defilement and their unfaithfulness and idol-worshipping.

More than just cleansing the people, the water will also soften their hearts of stone and turn it into hearts of flesh, hearts that will be able to receive God's Spirit that will make them keep God's laws and observances.

In the gospel parable, we hear of what hearts of stone are in the attitude and behaviour of those invited for the wedding.

Both readings will make us reflect on our baptism and also the corruption of sin.

Baptism makes our hearts into hearts of love and to be faithful to God.

Sin corrupts the heart and turn it into a heart of stone and rebel against God.

Let us make a daily renewal of our baptismal promises to renounce sin and to profess our faithfulness to God.

Let us ask to Lord God to give us hearts of flesh to love God and to love neighbour.

That is what we are baptised for and that is also our mission in life.