Monday, August 31, 2020

22nd Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 01-09-2020

1 Cor 2:10-16 / Luke 4:31-37       

What we heard in the gospel may sound so alien to us, because it may seem to be like a scene from some kind of movie about evil spirits.

It may even sound like some fictitious story just to capture our attention and to excite our imagination.

Whatever the case it might be, it cannot be denied that the presence of evil spirits are real and they can oppress and even possess human beings.

So it is a spiritual issue over and above a physical and material aspect and it is certainly not to be dealt with lightly.

Jesus came to proclaim the Good News and to heal sickness and to expel evil spirits from those who are afflicted.

The 1st reading tells us that the Spirit reaches the depths of everything, even the depths of God.

The Spirit also teaches us about spiritual things.

But an unspiritual person does not accept anything of the Spirit of God and he sees it all as nonsense as it is beyond his understanding. But that creates an opening for the oppression and even possession by evil spirits.

But a spiritual person is able to judge the value of everything and he will be able to accept the Spirit of God into his life and into the depths of his being.

So let us accept the Spirit of God into our lives and let us live and move in the Spirit and to let the Spirit be our rule of life.