Sunday, April 3, 2016

Annunciation of the Lord, Monday, 04-04-16

Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10 / Hebrews 10:4-10 / Luke 1:26-28

There is a point in life when we have to make a critical decision, a decision that requires a long term or a life-time commitment, a decision that could be irreversible and irrevocable.

It could be about migrating to another country, to enter into a marriage, to serve the Lord as a priest or religious. It's a life changing moment and it could also be a defining moment.

It also means that all other options will be closed and even closed for good.

In the Annunciation, Mary found herself to be in a situation that required her to make a decision which will change her life when she hears the call to be the Mother of the Son of God.

It was not going to be just a 9-month term, that after the birth of Jesus, she could continue with her life as before.

In saying "Yes" to God, then Mary also closed all the other options, and closed them for good. Maybe it can be said that Mary closed those other options for the greater good.

As we celebrate this event of God's call to Mary and her obedient response, we also open ourselves to God's call to us.

God calls out to us to commit ourselves to Him, to be faithful to Him and to trust in Him.

It will mean that we will have to close the other options and close them for good. And it will be good to close those other options.

To say "Yes" to God is the best decision. Mary would know better. We ask her to pray for us that we too say "Yes" to God and that we rejoice with her that God's will be done.