Acts 6:8-15 / John 6:22-29
There are usually two reactions to a surprise - either we are pleasantly surprised or we are unpleasantly surprised.
Usually a surprise is unexpected and we react according to how we perceive it.
In the 1st reading, when Stephen was filled with grace and power and began to work miracles and great signs among the people, he must have been pleasantly surprised.
He must have been awed by the wonderful signs that God was working through him and he must have felt unworthy and humbled by it.
But it wasn't long before another surprise was waiting for Stephen. His enemies took him by surprise and arrested him and brought him before the Sanhedrin.
When all the false accusations were hurled against Stephen, it was the Sanhedrin's turn to be surprised when they looked intently at Stephen - his face appeared to them like an angel.
We may not have those kinds of surprises like Stephen had. But in between, we may have had pleasant surprise experiences of God's presence in us or around us.
And we too may have unpleasant surprises of how others have reacted rudely to our acts of kindness and charity.
Whatever it may be, let us ask the Lord to grant us His peace so that we will be calm as the mystery of life unfolds before us.
And may we give others pleasant surprises of God's peace and love.