Monday, April 4, 2016

2nd Week of Easter, Tuesday, 05-04-16

Acts 4:32-37 / John 3:7-15

A need is obviously different from a want. A need expresses a necessity. A want expresses a desire.

But very often, the difference becomes blurred and what we think is a need is actually just a desire.

In other words, what we think we need may actually be just an accessory and not really a necessity.

The selfish and greedy side in us will always make us think that we would need a lot of things, and the more we have, then the happier we would be.

So what we heard in the 1st reading is going to challenge us and make us think about what we have and what we need.

The 1st reading tells us that the whole group of believers was united in heart and soul. No one claimed for his own use anything he had, as everything they owned was held in common.

We may wonder if this is really possible nowadays. We may also wonder if anyone would be crazy enough to let go of his possessions and share it with others.

We may have our questions, but the question is whether we believe we can really let go of what we possess and even let go of what we think we need.

But in order to let go of our possessions and our needs on earth, then we need to look at life from above.

Only the Holy Spirit will lift us from earth "to be born from above" so that we are able to realize that we come from God and God is all we need and God will provide for all we need.

May we let go of this earth so that we can be born from above and live the life of the above.