Friday, March 29, 2024

Good Friday 2024

The most prominent symbol of Christianity is the Cross. 

Later, in the unveiling of the Cross, we will see that it is not just the Cross. 

On the Cross is the figure of Jesus Christ nailed to it, or what is called the Crucifix. 

Today, we acknowledge that the Cross points to suffering and shame. 

We know too well the Cross of suffering and shame, because we have carried that Cross before. 

But today, we adore and worship the One who carried the Cross, and died on that Cross of suffering and shame. 

And that is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who suffered, was mocked, and shamed, and died on that Cross. 

Although He was Son, Jesus shows us how to be obedient to the Father through suffering, shame and death on the Cross. 

And through the obedience of Jesus, God the Father will show us that suffering, shame and even death will not be the final end.

Because God will save Jesus out of death. 

And we believe that, and we express that belief by coming up later to venerate the Cross. 

We embrace Jesus and the Cross, and we will also accept our Cross of suffering and shame. 

And we believe that with Jesus, the Cross of suffering, shame and death will be turned into the glorious Cross of life, and love, and salvation. 

The Cross is not our enemy. Rather the Cross will be our victory. And it is Jesus who is showing us that.