Thursday, March 14, 2024

4th Week of Lent, Friday, 15-03-2024

Wisdom 2:1, 12-22 / John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30  

The existence of God has always been a topic of reflection and discussion.

Several philosophical reflections, and even some scientific theories, have suggested proofs of the existence of God.

But even with some proofs of the existence of God, to believe in God would require faith.

Faith is a gift from God, and that gift of faith enables human beings to know that there is a God and to respond by believing in Him.

In the 1st reading, the godless, with their misguided reasoning, ridiculed and plotted harm against those who believed in God.

But as the 1st reading concludes: 
This is the way they reason, but they are misled, their malice makes them blind.
They do not know the hidden things of God, they have no hope that holiness will be rewarded, they can see no reward for blameless souls.

As we reflect on that, we can see that those who refuse to acknowledge the existence of God or to believe in Him will have a sad and tragic end.

As for us Christians, we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He is our Master.

He is our Way, our Truth and our Life. Let us follow Him in doing good and loving others.

With faith and with hope, we journey on from this world to the next where we will finally be with the God that we believe in.