Sunday, February 4, 2024

5th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 05-02-2024

1 Kings 8:1-7, 9-13 / Mark 6:53-56    

The Mass is the source and summit of our faith.

There are two characteristics that can be said about the Mass – it is solemn and sober.

Every now and then, there is incensing and other extra-ordinary rituals.

But by and large, the proceedings of the Mass can be quite predictable.

But in the 1st reading, the procession of the Ark of the Covenant to the Temple was marked with the sacrifice of sheep and oxen.

And then the Temple was filled with a cloud and the glory of the Lord filled the Temple.

It was certainly a spectacular and marvelous sight and a wonderful experience.

And in the gospel, the people were begging Jesus to let the sick touch the fringe of His cloak.

And all those who touched it were cured. It is certainly quite spectacular.

The Mass may seem rather quiet compared to what happened in the two readings.

But when we see beyond the ordinary signs and symbols in the Mass, we enter into a great and deep mystery.

We believe that the consecrated host is the Body of Christ, and we even get to touch it and consume it.

Indeed a great miracle happens at every Mass. 

May we be able to experience the depth of this mystery and feel the effects of the Mass in our lives.