Sunday, February 25, 2024

2nd Week of Lent, Monday, 26-02-2024

Daniel 9:4-10 / Luke 636-38    

The circle is an interesting shape.

It has no corners and no sides.

And there is also no beginning and no end.

The circle is sometimes used to portray some realities in life.

For example, in a vicious circle, there doesn’t seem to have a solution.

Another way of saying it is that what goes around comes around.

In the 1st reading, what the prophet Daniel said can be called a vicious cycle of God’s people.

They sinned, they were punished, they repented for a while, and then they turned back to sin.

But despite that vicious cycle, God comes to His people with love and forgiveness to break that vicious cycle.

As for us, our habitual sins are also the vicious cycle that we are in.

Jesus teaches us how to break that vicious cycle.

He tells us to be compassionate, do not judge, do not condemn, and to grant pardon.

With God’s love and forgiveness, we will be able to break our vicious circle of sin, and God will pour His gifts on us so that we can become circles of life.