Sunday, January 21, 2024

3rd Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 22-01-2024

2 Samuel 5:1-7, 10 / Mark 3:22-30 

There is one thing about life that we need to take note of.

We can never be too safe or feel that we are too secure.

There is always the external danger, as well as the internal danger.

In the 1st reading, the Jebusites who were defending the city, mocked David.

They said that David will get into the city. The blind and the lame will hold him off.

As much as they fortified themselves against an external enemy, they forgot about an internal enemy.

Yes, the greatest enemy is within, and it was their pride and arrogance that led to their defeat and downfall.

So, when a man thinks that he is safe, he must be careful not to fall.

That is also the teaching of Jesus in the gospel.

He says that if a household is divided against itself, that household can never stand.

Pride and arrogance are usually the causes of the downfall of a person, or a community or a country.

Let us be humble and put our trust in God who is our safety and security.