Thursday, January 18, 2024

2nd Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 19-01-2024

1 Samuel 24:3-21 / Mark 3:13-19     

The meaning of the saying “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” almost needs no explanation.

That saying also exposes the dark human tendency to retaliate and to take revenge.

And when a person is blinded by revenge, there is no thought of consequences.

But it is also said that when a person wants to take revenge, then he must dig two graves – one for the other and another for himself.

In short, more harm is done and more lives will be lost when revenge goes on a rampage.

In the 1st reading, David had the chance to kill Saul who was hunting him down to kill him.

But David had his mind on the Lord and he knows that he must not raise his hand on the Lord’s anointed.

As he said to Saul: May the Lord be the judge and decide between me and you. May He take up my cause and defend it and give judgement for me, freeing me from your power.

Let us remember what David said, and let us put our trust in God who is the judge, and who will free us from the power of evil.

And like the apostles in the gospel, let us go forth and bear witness to the power of God’s love over evil.

Revenge and retaliation can never overcome evil; in fact more evil will arise.

Only love can overcome evil. May we be empowered with love and see that victory over evil.