Tuesday, January 17, 2023

2nd Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 17-01-2023

Hebrews 6:10-20 / Mark 2:23-28

It is interesting that in the IT world and those who are involved in it, there is this word called “memory”

So there are memory chips, memory banks, and even in computers and mobile phones, one of the features is memory capacity.

We human beings also have a memory, but our memory is certainly more dynamic and sophisticated than those electronic memory chips.

We don’t only remember things in our mind, but there are also memories in our hearts.

So when we recall our memories, what is it usually comes up?

Are they good memories or bad ones? Are they happy memories or sad ones?

The 1st reading says that God would not be so unjust as to forget all we have done, the love that we have for His name, or the services we have done and are still doing.

In other words, God remembers the good things about us and He forgets the bad things we have done.

That is God’s love and mercy towards us, and for that we must really give thanks to God for His goodness towards us.

Since that is how God remembers us and looks at us, we too must remember as God remembers.

Let us remember the good and happy memories. Let us remember the good that others have done for us and forgive those who have wronged us.

Then our hearts will have peace and joy, because the memories in our hearts are fill with the goodness of God and the goodness that people have left in our hearts.