Wednesday, January 11, 2023

1st Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 12-01-2023

Hebrews 3:7-14 / Mark 1:40-45      

One of the decisions that can be difficult or easy to make is when we are faced with a request to do something that is within our ability for someone.

If that person is someone that we like, then we would be more willing than ever to do it.

But if that person is not in our good books, then comes the choice of whether to accede to that person’s request.

The 1st reading reminds us that as Christians, we have to keep encouraging one another so that none of us is hardened by the lure of sin.

But when we hold anger and resentment against someone, we harden our hearts against that person.

So when that person asks us for a favour, and it may even be an urgent request, we will make excuses not to do it, or if we really have to do it, then we will certainly show our reluctance and do it ungracefully.

When Jesus was approached by the leper with the request to cure him, Jesus replied with such earnestness that it seemed like He was longing for the leper to approach Him.

Let us know that if we are to listen to the voice of the Lord, then that voice may come from those whom we are hesitant or reluctant to help.

But if we really listen to the voice of the Lord, then our hearts will be softened by the love of Jesus, and the decision to be of help to others, regardless of whether we like them or not, will not be a difficult decision to make.