Tuesday, September 27, 2022

26th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 28-09-2022

Job 9:1-13, 14-16 / Luke 9:57-62     

Whenever we speak publicly about God, we will speak with reverence and use respectful language, especially in public prayer.

But when we do an examination of our conscience, we may have to admit that we are not always that respectful.

Especially in the privacy of our own space, we will be more personal with God.

And when life is spiraling in chaos and things are falling apart, our conversations with God will be sharp and direct.

To say the least, we will be angry with God and even demanding explanations from Him, or even to the extent of accusing God for not listening to and answering our prayers.

In the 1st reading, when Job spoke of God before his friends, he was certainly respectful of God and acknowledged God is almighty in every sense of the word.

Job knew where he stands before God, that he is a mere creature and that he has no case against God, even though he may not know the reason for his tribulations.

That was how Job portrayed God before his friends, and that could also be his conviction about God.

What Job said about God in the 1st reading is certainly necessary for our reflection and meditation.

As much as God will forgive us when we are disrespectful or even dared to defy Him, yet let us ask the Lord God to grant us a humble and contrite heart.

And when we speak to others about God, they will know what is our conviction about God.