Monday, September 5, 2022

23rd Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 06-09-2022

1 Cor 6:1-11 / Luke 6:12-19     

For those of us who drive, we know that there are two things that we should do, in order to avoid accidents.

One is that we should keep our focus on the road ahead, and it means our two eyes on the road.

The other is that we should keep our two hands on the steering wheel.

Even one eye on the road and one hand on the steering wheel is certainly not safe enough, like how we try to text while driving.

Yes, two eyes focused on the road ahead, and two hands holding tight on the steering wheel is what is necessary when driving.

In short, it means that we must keep our focus.

And it is not just in driving, but also in the important aspects of our lives.

In the gospel, we heard about Jesus calling the first disciples.

But there is this disturbing line about Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.

Somehow Judas lost focus, and he was branded a traitor in every account of the call of the first disciples.

But it was not only Judas who lost focus. The Christian community of Corinth also lost focus and St. Paul had to address the serious matter of division in the 1st reading.

We have been called by God to be disciples and to be witnesses of the Good News of God’s love.

Let us ask the Lord to watch over us and protect us so that we will keep our focus on Jesus and on the mission that He is calling us to.