To look down on a person is certainly not a proper and decent way of treating that person.
To treat everyone equally must be the principle of life.
So regardless how much better or higher or stronger a person is, that person should not look down on others.
In the 1st reading, Goliath was stronger, taller and more experienced in battle than David was.
Goliath literally looked down on David and despised him.
Goliath will learn his lesson the hard way, although it was too late for him to be humble.
In the gospel, the Pharisees were not looking down on Jesus, but they were watching Him closely for something to use against Him; they were looking for faults against Jesus.
Whether looking down on others or looking around for their faults, it is certainly not a good thing to do to others.
And it also goes to show that we do not know what humility is.
Let us treat others equally and fairly and be humble. May we not wait till it is too late