Sunday, January 9, 2022

1st Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 10-01-2022

1 Sam 1:1-8 / Mark 1:14-20   

The notion of delayed gratification is that we bear with the sufferings now so that we will be rewarded in the future.

It may seem that Christianity has this kind of notion as in that we suffer in this life so that we will be rewarded in the next life.

There is no doubt that this life has its fair share of sufferings.

In the 1st reading, Hannah had to bear with barrenness and the taunts of her rival.

She was so depressed by it that she would weep and would not eat.

Her husband would try to comfort but it didn't bring her any consolation.

We can sympathise with Hannah as we too have faced similar situations of suffering.

We may have recourse to the notion of delayed gratification but that notion cannot stand on its own.

What we need to have is faith in the God of all consolation and have the hope that He will wipe away our tears.

In times of darkness and suffering, we need to believe in the Good News that God is close at hand.

We only need to hold on to His hand with faith and hope. That will be our consolation.