Sunday, May 9, 2021

6th Week of Easter, Monday, 10-05-2021

Acts 16:11-15 / John 15:26 - 16:4            

A religious experience can be an amazing and powerful emotion.

It can be quite difficult to logically explain a religious experience other than to say that it is more emotional than logical.

For example, in the 1st reading, when the disciples were preaching, among those who were listening was Lydia.

The Lord opened her heart to accept the Good News and she and her household were baptised.

Then she invited the disciples to stay with her and she would take no refusal.

Such was her conviction after that religious experience.

But in the gospel, there was another kind of conviction that is disturbing.

Jesus said that there will be a time when anyone who kills a believer will think that he is doing a holy duty for God.

A genuine religious experience should lead a person to do something good and kind like Lydia did.

God is love. Any experience of God should make us be like Him, which is to be loving, good and kind.