Wednesday, May 5, 2021

5th Week of Easter, Thursday, 06-05-2021

Acts 15:7-21 / John 15:9-11    

There is no denying that the world is a noisy place.

Especially in urbanised countries, there is even noise pollution from the traffic, construction and other noise-emitting sources.

Even communication can be turned into some kind of noise in which no one is really listening.

In the 1st reading, we heard that after the discussion about the issue of circumcision had gone on for a long time, Peter stood up to speak.

After he had spoken, there was silence in the entire assembly, and then they listened to Barnabas and Paul and also to James.

We can be quite certain that Peter was inspired by the Holy Spirit to speak what God wanted the assembly to hear.

Yes, when God speaks, we will listen and then we will be silent, as the assembly did in the 1st reading.

As we listen to the Word of God in the readings, let us be silent and remain in the love of God.

May the love of God silence the noises in our hearts so that we will listen to the voice of God and know what He wants of us.