Acts 13:13-25 / John 13:16-20
We would rather hear some words of wisdom and motivation than to give some words of wisdom and motivation.
And if we ever have to do it before an audience, then we would have to think about what to say.
So it is not just "saying a few words", or just "say something".
Words of wisdom and motivation need some time of reflection before they can be given with a conviction.
In the 1st reading, when Paul was asked to address the audience with some words of encouragement, he gladly and willingly did so.
Paul was a man who knew his people's history, and after that experience on the way to Damascus, he had a conviction about who Jesus is and he took every opportunity to proclaim Jesus.
We may not be asked to address an audience with words of wisdom, or motivation, or encouragement.
But if ever we are asked what words do we use in our prayer, what are we going to tell people about our faith and our conviction?
In not so many words, may we put it like this: Jesus help me, Jesus save me.
Those are simple words, but with that we tell others who Jesus is, and may they also come to say it with us: Jesus help me, Jesus save me.