Wednesday, May 8, 2019

3rd Week of Easter, Thursday, 09-05-19

Acts 8:26-40 / John 6:44-51

If we had noticed it, the gospel texts of this week are taken from the gospel of John chapter 6.

In that chapter, Jesus gives a long discourse on the bread of life. In fact in the gospel of John, Jesus seemed to be talking much more than in the other gospels.

But Jesus is not just talking. In fact, He is teaching a very important doctrine, especially when He uses phrases like "I tell you most solemnly".

And He is not just talking about ordinary bread. Jesus is telling us that He is the bread of life.

And that goes without saying that at communion what we are receiving is not bread or just the host, but Jesus Himself.

It is the Real Presence, and not a symbol, not a representation, not an imagination.

Just as what the eunuch's encounter of Philip in the 1st reading was not an imagination but a real experience and he later went on his way rejoicing.

Similarly our reception of Holy Communion is also a real encounter with Jesus the Risen Lord.

It must lead us to rejoice. If not then we have to ask ourselves "Why?"

May we find the answer through a deeper awareness of Jesus in the Eucharist