Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22 / Mark 8:22-26
There is a hymn with lyrics that go like this:
In his time, in his time
He makes all things beautiful
In his time
Lord, please show me everyday
As you're teaching me your way
That you do just what you say
In your time
The world that we live in goes by chronological time.
But in the spiritual world, everything goes by God’s time, or what is called, the appointed time.
In the 1st reading, Noah sent out the raven, and then the dove, to see if the waters of the flood had dried up.
Noah had to wait for seven days, and then another seven days, before he knew that the earth has dried up.
In the gospel, after Jesus had put spittle on the blind man’s eyes and laid hands on him, he was only beginning to see.
Then Jesus laid His hands on the man’s eyes again and this time round, he could see clearly.
Yes, life, love, forgiveness, healing and every other thing happens in God’s time.
Let us meditate on the lyrics of the above hymn, that God will make all things beautiful in His time.
We also ask God to show and teach us His way and to understand deeper about His time.