Monday, February 3, 2025

4th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 04-02-2025

Hebrews 12:1-4 / Mark 5:21-43  

We want to be happy in life, and we also desire for a comfortable life.

But the reality of life is that there are always challenges and difficulties.

These challenges and difficulties wear us down and we get frustrated and desperate.

In the gospel passage, sickness and grave illness are the realities of life.

Jairus, the father of the girl, was desperately looking for a cure for his daughter.

The woman suffering for haemorrhage for 12 years was getting frustrated in looking for a cure.

Their last and only hope was in Jesus, and their hope was not in vain.

The 1st reading also urges us to keep running the race that we have started, and not to lose sight of Jesus. 

But another reality of life is that sin clings so easily to us, leaving us frustrated and desperate.

The 1st reading teaches us that for the sake of the joy which was still in the future, Jesus endured the Cross, disregarding the shamefulness of it.

Let us look at Jesus on the Cross, and pray for endurance.

Our faith in Jesus, and our endurance from the strength of the Cross, will help us overcome the challenges and difficulties of life.

We will even have a foretaste of the joy that is to come.

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