Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21 / Mark 6:30-34
To be a leader is not just having the title.
A leader is not just about being in charge.
A leader has to take care of those under his charge.
Good leaders understand that they serve those they are leading.
In the gospel, when the apostles rejoined Jesus, they told Him all they had done and taught.
For Jesus, the welfare of His apostles was more important than their success or achievements.
For Jesus, the spiritual wellbeing of His people is more important than their efficiency, effectiveness or productivity.
That is why Jesus led His disciples to a lonely place so that they can be by themselves and rest their minds and hearts.
In order to do God’s work, we also must know what God wants of us.
God cares for our physical and spiritual wellbeing.
He wants us to rest well in His love and be filled with His love.
When we are rested and filled with God’s love, then we can lead others to God.