Monday, January 6, 2025

Tuesday after Epiphany, 07-01-2025

1 John 4:7-10 / Mark 6:34-44

When it comes to making a sacrifice, we would be hesitant.

We would be thinking of what we need to give up and if it is worth it.

If we were to make a sacrifice or give up something, we would expect to gain something from it.

We would certainly be reluctant to make a sacrifice if there is nothing to gain from it.

The 1st reading says that God loves us with such great a love that He sent His Son to be a sacrifice that takes our sins away.

There is nothing for God to gain by sacrificing His Son.

He only wanted us to come back to Him through the sacrifice of His Son.

In the gospel, the disciples gave up the five loaves and two fish, which they could have for themselves.

But for doing that they saw the miracle of the multiplication of loaves.

So, whenever we have to give up something, or make a sacrifice for the benefit of others, let us do it for the love of God.

In return, God will show us amazing miracles for the little sacrifice we make.