The destiny of seeds is to germinate and grow into a plant or a tree.
But a seed can only germinate when the conditions are conducive.
And even when a seed is able to germinate, there are other factors that will affect and determine its growth.
The 1st reading says that no one who has been begotten by God sins because God’s seed remains inside him.
So, as disciples of Jesus, we are begotten by God and we have God’s seed in us.
But when we sin, then that seed can’t germinate.
But a time will come when we will realise that we have sinned and will repent.
Then God’s seed in us will germinate and grow.
In the gospel, the time has come for Andrew and the other disciple, and as well as for Peter, for God’s seed to be sown in them.
We already have God’s seed sown in us.
With prayer and living a holy life, God’s seed will bear fruit in us and make us true disciples of Jesus.