Friday, January 3, 2025

3rd January 2025, Friday, Weekday of Christmas Time

1 John 2:29-36 / John 1:29-34  

In everyday usage, water is used in washing and cleansing.

Water is also a necessity for sustaining life.

In the Church, water is used in the Rite of Baptism.

It symbolizes the cleaning of sin and the gift of new life.

Water is also used as a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

In the gospel, John the Baptist said that it was to reveal Jesus Christ to Israel that he came baptizing with water.

When John the Baptist baptized Jesus, he saw the Holy Spirit come down and rest on Jesus.

When we were baptized, we were made pure and the Holy Spirit also rested on us.

When we pray, we are cleansed from sin and faults and made pure again by the Holy Spirit.

But when we don’t pray, then sin and other failings begin to defile us, and we also close the door of our hearts to the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray regularly and constantly, so that we will remain pure and live holy lives as God’s children and become more and more like Jesus Christ.