Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Wednesday Within Easter Octave, 03-04-2024

Acts 3:1-10 / Luke 24:13-35  

In life, we don’t live by ourselves or be with ourselves alone.

The journey of life is a journey of encountering persons and starting relationships.

So, from the day we came into this world, we encounter persons, and we have our relationships with them.

We begin to experience living with others in a family, in a community and in a society.

In the journey to Emmaus, the Risen Lord Jesus came up and walked along by the side of the two disciples, but something prevented them from recognizing Him.

As they journeyed along to Emmaus, the two disciples began to share their experiences with Jesus.

From being strangers, the two disciples became friends with Jesus and eventually, they invited Him to be with them for supper.

And it was there that Jesus revealed Himself to them.

Jesus also wants to walk with us in the journey of life.

He comes in the form of persons who will help us understand the meaning and the direction of life.

Jesus always makes the first move when it comes to journeying with us.

Let us be open to persons who will help us grow to be better persons.

And let us also thank Jesus for sending us persons to help us know more about Him.