Saturday, April 20, 2024

3rd Week of Easter, Saturday, 20-04-2024

Acts 9:31-42 / John 6:60-69  

To run a marathon for the first time would certainly require intense preparation.

Whatever it is, the objective is to finish that 42 km within a reasonable time.

But what if a person were to run a marathon without much preparation or know how long the distance is.

No doubt, it would seem rather futile to carry on especially when fatigue sets in, and the hope of finishing the marathon fades away with each stride.

For the disciples in the gospel, they had to decide whether to follow Jesus after hearing the teaching about Jesus as the “bread of life”.

Some couldn’t accept it and found it pointless to carry on following Jesus, and so they left.

For the Twelve, they too may have found it challenging to accept the teachings of Jesus.

But as Peter said: Lord, who shall we go to? You have the message of eternal life, and we believe and we know that you are the Holy One of God.

Whether it is unquestionable faithfulness or blind perseverance, the Twelve made their choice.

We too have to make our choice when faced with the difficult and challenging teachings of Jesus.

But if we believe that Jesus has the message of eternal life, then let us be faithful and persevere, and keep walking on.

God will reward us for believing, and for being faithful and persevering.