Monday, April 1, 2024

Tuesday Within Easter Octave, 02-04-2024

Acts 2:36-41 / John 20:11-18   

To address a person by the personal name would indicate that the relationship is personal.

Of course there are persons or acquaintances that we address by their names.

But it could be that we happen to know their names and hence we address them by their names.

The difference would be in the tone that is used to call the name.

In the gospel, when Jesus called Mary by name, she immediately knew it was Jesus.

It could be the familiarity of the voice, and it also could be the tone of the voice.

Her immediate response was in Hebrew “Rabbuni” (which means Master)

Mary’s response was in her native language, a language of the heart, and it was an intimate response.

When Jesus calls us, we will know it is His voice, because it has a tone that only we ourselves can recognize.

And we will be ready to response with our heart to whatever He wants of us.