Monday, March 25, 2024

Tuesday of Holy Week, 26-03-2024

Isaiah 49:1-6 / John 13:21-33, 36-38  

God made man in His image, and that means that mankind is created in love, with love and for love.

So, in every human heart, there is the goodness of love, and every human being reflects this goodness, which is created by God.

With love, there is freedom, and that also means that every human being has the freedom of choice.

Every person can choose to do good with love, or he can choose to do what is bad or even evil.

One of the grave human failings is the act of betrayal, in which relationships are broken and destroyed.

But the act of betrayal is not committed out of wickedness, but rather out of weakness.

The weakness is often for a selfish motive at the expense of the relationship with the other person or persons.

In the gospel, Judas was so determined to betray Jesus that he would not even reconsider what he was going to do.

The weakness of Judas was exploited further by the evil one and there was no turning back for Judas, although Jesus gave him ample signs of His love for him.

During this Holy Week, we are reminded of the goodness of God within us, and how much Jesus loves us.

Let us acknowledge our sinful weakness before Jesus, and He will heal and strengthen us with the goodness of His love.