Thursday, March 7, 2024

3rd Week of Lent, Friday, 08-03-2024

Hosea  14:2-10 / Mark 12:28-34   

A straight road would be an easy road to travel along. 

There is no worry about bends and curves or junctions.

What is needed would be to just keep focus on what is ahead and go on straight.

But the road of life is rather different.

We know that walking straight in the commandments of the Lord will lead us to peace and happiness.

But we get distracted with the byways and the sideways of pleasure and desire.

In the gospel, Jesus tells us again about the great commandment of God, and that is to love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength.

And that love for God is also to be expressed in our love for neighbour.

It is God who loves us first, and hears our prayer and cares for us.

Let us be wise and understand the meaning of the commandment of the Lord.

Let us keep focused on God’s commandment and keep walking straight in His ways.

And with that, we will not be far from the kingdom of God.