Wednesday, March 13, 2024

4th Week of Lent, Thursday, 14-03-2024

Exodus 32:7-14 / John 5:31-47     

There is one fundamental aspect that the season of Lent points to.

That fundamental aspect also points to what the Church is about, what our faith is about, and what the purpose of Christianity is about.

And that fundamental aspect is salvation. 

Salvation can only be understood when we realise the destructive power of sin.

Sin destroys our lives, our relationship with God and also our relationships with others.

But despite knowing the destruction that sin causes, we still are prone to sin.

In the 1st reading, the people sinned against God by worshipping an image of a golden calf and calling it their god.

God wanted to punish the people, but Moses pleaded on their behalf.

Moses wanted the people to repent of their sin and to be saved by the forgiveness of God.

In the gospel, Jesus gave a teaching about who He is, but in short, it is in those words: It is for your salvation that I speak of this.

Let us not take salvation for granted. Let us realise that we are weak and prone to sin.

Let us turn to the Lord our God for forgiveness and healing. 

And God will grant us the blessing of the joy of salvation.