Monday, December 26, 2022

St. John, Apostle and Evangelist, Tuesday, 27-12-2022

1 John 1:1-4 / John 20:2-8  

From traditional sources, St. John was the last surviving Apostle who died a natural death, while the other Apostles were martyred.

The gospel and the letters were accredited to him, or at least his thoughts and reflections are found there.

The main message of St. John in those writings are about the love of God that was made flesh in the person of Jesus Christ.

As a witness to that divine love, his purpose in his writings is to share the joy of that love so that people will come to know the love of God.

But the love of God for humanity and even for us who believe does not come about as an intellectual knowledge.

That love is a mystery and it is a love that keeps revealing itself to us.

In other words, the love of God for us is unconditional and everlasting.

So for us, we experience God’s love in every moment of our lives, and we are to share that love with others like St. John.

May St. John pray for us, that we will always deepen our understanding of God’s love, may we also experience God’s love in every moment of our lives.

May God’s love bring us a deep joy so that as we share that love with others, they too will come to know and experience God’s love for them.