Thursday, December 1, 2022

1st Week of Advent, Friday, 02-12-2022

Isaiah 29:17-24 / Matthew 9:27-31   

One of the teachings from the Bible is this: what is impossible for man is not impossible for God.

Of course, many things that seemed impossible has become possible, at least in the scientific and technological sense, and one example is man landing on the moon.

Yes, mankind has gone far to explore outer space, but there are still many questions about our inner space, about our faith and our spiritual state.

There are still many areas about our faith in God and about the spiritual life that we are slowly discovering.

The gospel recounts the occasion when Jesus healed the two blind men.

But Jesus is also asking us, just as He asked the two blind men, if we really believe that such a miracle can happen in our modern times.

But miracles aside, do we really believe what the 1st reading says:
The lowly will rejoice in the Lord even more and the poorest exult in the Holy One of Israel; for tyrants shall be no more, and scoffers vanish, and all be destroyed who are disposed to evil.

We don’t really need to see spectacular miracles. What we really want to believe in is that God will save us and protect us from evil and danger.

If we really believe in Jesus, then we will know that all this is possible.

May Jesus be our true hope and may we find true peace in Him.