Friday, December 30, 2022

Seventh Day Within Octave of Christmas, Saturday, 31-12-2022

1 John 2:18-21 / John 1:1-18

In life, there is always a beginning and an ending, an opening and a closing.

Twelve months ago, we began a new year with wondering and pondering what lies ahead as the year unfolds.

Today as we come to the last day of the year, we close off with recalling and reminiscing about the experiences of the past twelve months.

But in life, every ending leads to a new beginning, and every closing follows on to a new opening.

So tomorrow we begin a new year and we will wonder and ponder about how the year will unfold.

But with God, there is no beginning or ending, no opening or closing.

And His love for us is everlasting and His love took on flesh in Jesus Christ.

May our beginning and ending be with Jesus, and whatever we open or close be in Jesus.

Then, from His fullness, we will receive grace upon grace and blessing upon blessing.

With that, we will journey on with faith and into the future with hope.