Friday, January 29, 2021

3rd Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, 30-01-2021

Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 / Mark 4:35-41      

Ever since we came in this world, life has been a journey from one stage to another.

From infancy to adulthood and to the senior years, we have moved on from the arms of our parents to the arms of our spouse and we also cradle the next generation in our arms.

As we journey and move on in life and in years, we have crossed many stages and occasions.

But we also know that we will eventually come to that final destination of our journey in life.

What is beyond is certainly a mystery. But with faith in God, we have an idea of what is beyond this life on earth.

The 1st reading tells us that Abraham and Sarah lived by faith and journeyed on in life by faith.

It was faith that guaranteed the blessings that they hoped for, and it was enough for them to believe in the existence of the realities that they could not see.

May we too journey on in faith, and let us keep our eyes on the gift of eternal life with God that is promised to us.