Tuesday, January 12, 2021

1st Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 13-01-2021

Hebrews 2:14-18 / Mark 1:29-39    

In our busy lives, and with so many tasks and schedules lined up for the day, we would certainly need to plan and prioritise what needs to be done.

Obviously that would mean to get the important things done first and followed by the rest.

When we don't plan and prioritise, then our day would be chaotic and we will end up stressed and frustrated.

So what is the first important thing that we would do as we begin the day?

In the gospel, we heard that in the morning, long before dawn, Jesus got up and left the house, and went off to a lonely place and prayed there.

The day before was a busy and tiring day for Him and it can be presumed that almost every day would be like that for Him as people would come to Him for healing and hear Him teach and preach.

But Jesus knew what were His priorities and obviously prayer was first and foremost for Him.

Jesus has shown us the priority of prayer in His life and ministry.

He also knows of the temptation to give up prayer in the busyness of life.

Let us remember that prayer helps us to let God be in the centre of our lives. 

When God is the centre, everything else will come together. If not everything will be scattered.