Sunday, January 17, 2021

2nd Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 18-01-2021

Hebrews 5:1-10 / Mark 2:18-22   

As much as we believe in God and we pray to Him, yet praying to God may not be our first recourse or option.

Very often we try to solve our problems and difficulties with our own resources and abilities first.

And when everything else has failed then we turn to God in desperation and we storm heaven in the hope of an immediate answer to our prayer.

But that would mean that God is that last option for a solution, when all other options have failed or didn't work.

The 1st reading tells us that during His life on earth, Jesus offered up prayer and entreaty, aloud and in silent tears, to the One who had the power to save Him out of death, and He submitted so humbly that His prayer was heard.

We may tend to think that Jesus turned to God when He was literally at a "dead-end" on the Cross.

But the 1st reading tells us that during His life on earth, Jesus prayed all along as He faced rejection and threats to His life until He finally ended up on the Cross.

For Jesus, God was always the first option and also the only option, and it was His trust in God that saved Him out of death.

Let us learn from Jesus to let God be the first and only option in our lives because He has the power to save us and raise us up from our troubles and difficulties.