Thursday, December 31, 2020

Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Numbers 6:22-27 / Galatians 4:4-7 / Luke 2:16-21

One year ago this day, we began the new year happily. Things were generally going on well and good then. In fact, we were looking forward to a good year ahead.

We had planned out the year and we expected things to go as planned: our schedules, our celebrations, our projects, our holidays. We may even be expecting it to be a profitable year for us.

Well, looking back, we know how the year turned out. There were major interruptions and disruptions; we had to make drastic adjustments and re-calibrations.

We were anxious and worried; we were cautious and even afraid.

Nobody really expected it to be such a turbulent year with so many unpredictables.

Not many of us can say that it has been an enriching and fulfilling year.

But most of us will say that 2020 was a year to remember.

As we step into the first day of 2021, we are certainly more sober. We ponder and wonder what will the days ahead be like.

In the gospel, Mary also wondered and pondered at what the shepherds said about the Child Jesus.

Her life was drastically changed ever since she said “Yes” to the Lord at the Annunciation.

As she carried the Child Jesus in that stable at Bethlehem, she wondered, she pondered and she treasured in her heart all that had happened.

We too wonder and ponder about all that had happened to us.

Indeed, the year 2020 is a year to be remembered. But is it a year to be treasured?

Well, it was a rough and turbulent year. But there were lessons learnt.

We learnt to go back to prayer and it can be said that we did a lot of praying, maybe we never even prayed so much before.

But it was through prayer that we felt God’s protection and guidance, just as He protected and guided Mary to fulfil His will for her.

As we wonder and ponder with Mary on God’s plan for us, let us also give thanks for the gift of prayer and treasure it in our hearts.

May we also stay close with Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother, as she prays with us and for us.

Through her intercession, may we receive blessing upon blessing, and have the strength and courage to face the difficulties of life, and yet be peaceful and joyful with the love of the Lord